The culture in Crinos is based primarily on survival. The survivalists in Crinos are the tribes of Verdimm. Verdimm, literally meaning 'True Folk', are the dominant form of life in Crinos: the shapeshifters, the were-folk. All Verdimm have three forms: The Dimoh, or human form; the Khiulnter, or animal form; and the Dimo-Khu, or battle form. The Dimo-Khu is used rarely, only for major fighting or ritualistic purposes. Other forms of life exist in plentiful amounts in Crinos, both animal and human. Humans in Crinos are primitive and barbaric, barely above the animals in culture. The Verdimm are fewer in number than the animals or humans, but control their own territories mostly unopposed, except by other Verdimm. The Verdimm are arrogant for the most part, and consider humans and animals to be on the same level: far below themselves.

Each tribe of Verdimm will have its own traditions and way of life, but there is some shared culture. The worship of Luna, the Moon Goddess, is common to all Verdimm. Luna influences everything in their lives, they believe, and She is the goddess above all. The veneration of ancestors is quite common, and all tribes have a patron goddess or god whom they honor and sometimes worship. Ritual is an important part of everday life for Verdimm. Thari is the common language, though Crinos produces many local variations and dialects. Thari is written, but rarely, the Verdimm of Crinos having more of an oral tradition than written. The more common and accepted way of storing the written word is with a runic language, known by all Verdimm but little in use by the humans. This language is only written, not spoken, except for purposes of magic or ritual.