Pattern Powers (Dworkin's/Corwin's/Finndo's): The shadow of Crinos and its surrounding shadows are very resistant to Pattern-based powers, meaning that an initiate of any particular Pattern cannot use that power to enter or leave the shadow, and within the shadow, Pattern-based powers will function very weakly.

Logrus: As Crinos is quite close to Chaos, the Logrus functions normally; in fact, the Logrus is rather easily summoned within Crinos, and is very potent and flexible to use.

Broken Pattern will function normally.

Trumps: Trumps function normally in Crinos, though there are no native Trump Artists, and Trumps are therefore quite rare.

Shapeshifting: Those with an inherent shapeshift power will notice that while within Crinos, shapeshifting becomes much easier, and less taxing. This means that you should be able to get away with 1 less shapeshifting pose, in combat or otherwise. Shadowwalking to or from Crinos via Advanced Shapeshifting ability is also easier than normal.