From below, Leia emerges from deep within the jungle.
From below, Lien emerges from deep within the jungle.
From below, Leia brings Lien into the clearing.
From below, Leia says "Well, this is..umm Home."
From below, Lien smiles as he is tugged into the clearing, sweeping his glance around it. Offhandedly he comments, "Nice place."
>>> To Leia, faintly, Dark_Panther asks from out of nowhere, ~This is your mate?~
From below, Leia looks around and sighs."Yah, I guess. It's not like the Ven-."
From below, Leia looks around.
From below, Lien squeezes your hand then, a curious smirk on his face as he waits for you to continue.
From below, Lien lowers his voice gently. He mutters to Leia, "... like the..." 
From below, Leia looks back to Lien, and smiles.
>>> Within your mind, faintly, Leia speaks: ~Umm yes, this is Lien.~
From below, Lien shrugs, looking around again. "Smells like aftermath."
A feline presence at the outskirts of Lien's thoughts speaks: ~Be welcome, Lien.~
From below, Leia nods slowly.'Yah. It wasn't pretty."
From below, Leia glances over at the stone pedestal.
You climb down from the tree.

Jungle Clearing
     A clearing within the jungle; the ground here not so much dead as... waiting. Perhaps sleeping. The vines and creepers gradually taper off as you penetrate deep within the clearing, not abruptly, but twisting away, as if avoiding the land consciously. The trees, shrubs, and other plant growth stop even farther back, keeping even their roots away from the land deferentially. Small animals and birds ocassionally scamper in and then disappear; larger creatures will even more rarely be seen here, and when they do, they leave quietly, not lingering. Insects swarm less here than anywhere else in the jungle. A small pool of water stagnates near the middle of the clearing, and alongside the pool, in the exact center, is a large black stone pedestal. A large Serenus tree, the only tree within the clearing, stands tall and wide on the north side of the pool.
     It is fall, the jungle outside the clearing showing signs of weariness. The day quietly wears on toward dark. A storm rages around and above the clearing, but is muted within, the rain falling softly and a breeze playing throughout the clearing.
Black Stone Pedestal
Obvious exits:
Deep Jungle  
        A tall man, wide-shouldered but by no means bulky. His build would be muscular by anyone's standards, but in the wiry sense of a quick, endurant athlete rather than a brawny one. He's in his prime; his age seeming to be no more than twenty five or twenty six. A handsome face, broad and clear, bears Celtic features and a pale tone, hinting at his origins. His hair is red-blond in color, sheening brightly when it catches the light and sprouting from the top of his head wildly, but on the sides and back it is shaved close to the skull. In the front, it hangs down just slightly over the upper edges of his deep, sky blue eyes. 
         Lien's wearing a flat black cotton poet's short with loose sleeves that end just short of his wrists, held there by a plain pair of ivory cufflinks. The laced strings that hold the upper-front of the shirt closed are only half-done and hang slightly off of Lien's chest. The garment is tucked into the waistband of his slightly-baggy black pants which wrap his legs down to the upper calves, where they are met by a soft pair of boots that look made purely for the joy of walking. Lien wears a travelling cloak of average thickness about his shoulders, partially concealing his form. It's pale gray in color and of good quality wool, bound with a small silver clasp holding together a Mandarin style collar.
Silver and Ivory Katana (Sheathed)

        Leia is a beautiful young woman in her early twenties with classical features. Her long luxurious black hair cascades down to her waist ahd her eyes are a brillant green. She's about 5'7 and a slim, athletic body. Her skin is fan, her face vibrant, composed of high cheekbones, full red lips, round rosey cheeks and she's looking determined.

        Currentily she's wearing a pair of black biker spandex shorts with a pink racing strip up the sides and a yellow hooded sweat shirt with the words "Covington Judo Club" written in large red letters across the chest. She's wearing a pair of Reebox Crosstrainers on her feet with a pair of white athletic socks.

         Around her waist is a sturdy black sword belt with a red celtic pattern traced across the buckle. At her side, hanging from the belt is a beautiful black-hilted katana.

Lien turns his head to regard the panther, then nods his head respectfully.
Leia smiles, letting out a breathe as the Panther comes into view.
Dark_Panther drops to the ground, and pads toward Liena and Leia. Pausing, he dips his head to Lien, and turns his gaze to Leia.
>>> To Leia, Dark_Panther speaks: ~I am pleased that you have brought him.~
Leia smiles.
>>> Within your mind, Leia speaks: ~He asked to coem and meet my relatives.~
Dark_Panther snorts, seeming lightly amused. His gaze focuses on Lien again.
>>> To Leia, Dark_Panther speaks: ~Your relatives, hmm? Well, he has met half at least, in seeing me.~
Lien scratches his chin gently as he returns the cat's look, a sly smile on his lips.
Leia grins and reaches out to grab Lien's hand.
Leia says "Lien, Meet Dark Stalker."
Dark_Panther cocks his head, and sits back, his flesh flowing. His features seem to blend together, reshaping themselves, while his legs straighten and elongate.
Leia says "My tribe's Sha'Cri."
Lien nods his head again, expression shifting to one of welcoming as he waits for the shifting to finish.
Leia says "Darkstalker, this is Lien McDralin...Ummm my boyfriend."
Dark_Panther's fur recedes, shifting into dark robes, as he stands, flesh quickly shaping itself into that of a human. He nods, and waits a moment for his shift to finish before he speaks. "Lien. I have heard much about you."
Lien grins, amused, and replies, "And I a little about you, Dark Stalker."
Darkstalker steps forward and offers his hand to Lien. He flashes a grin. "Only a little? I am disappointed."
Lien raises his own palm to clasp it to Darkstalkers's warmly, quirking an eyebrow. "I wouldn't have pegged you as one that /wanted/ to be heard of... a pleasure to meet you, anyway."
Leia smiles, watching you both.
Darkstalker grips Lien's hand a moment, then drops it. He chuckles. "I am no seeker of fame, that is true. It is good that you have come to the home of the Tenebrae."
Lien shrugs his shoulders lightly, retaining the smile. "I am pleased I was invited in the first place."
Leia claspes her hands behind her back and watches you both.
Darkstalker gestures widely, indicating the clearing. "As has been said, it is no village of the Venator. But it has been a gathering place for the Tenebrae for as long as memory lives."
Leia bites her lips slightly."I just meant they have more..people around."
Lien smiles softly as he follows the motion of your hand with his eyes, then moves them to Leia. For the moment, he chooses to stay silent.
Darkstalker's grin flashes toward Leia as he turns his head to her. "I know you meant no harm in that," he says, his voice gentle. "It is true that when I feel the need for company, it is there I often go."
Leia grins."I do as well, Souldancer and I have become pretty good friends."
Darkstalker nods. "Souldancer serves the Sha'hun well. He is worthy of respect."
Darkstalker turns to Lien. "Sit, be at ease, if you will. I know not what your preference is for leisure, but perhaps we can supply it."
Lien smiles as he listens to the conversation, then nods as he's addressed directly. "Whatever you can offer is more than adequate... I would not like to impinge on hospitality." He releases Leia's hand, looking around for a seat.
Darkstalker nods. "You must both be hungry, and want for drink, after your journey." He raises his arm, fingers tracing a pattern of runes inscribed on it.
Lien drops one hand behind him to sweep up the bottom edge of his cape and tilt his scabbard away from his body as he lowers into a crosslegged squat, then a seated position. He smiles up at Leia as he settles down, then nods his head gratefully to Darkstalker.
A whisper grows past the breeze blowing through the clearing, and a cold wind flows through, with a shadow of movement at the head. The shadowy, insubstantial form swirls around the space in front of Lien for a moment, then vanishes, leaving in its wake a platter of various aromatic meats, covered with sauces, with a loaf of a black-colored bread. A clear glass pitcher of a very dark red wine sits next to the platter, with three stone goblets, intricately carved.
Darkstalker's fingers drop away from his arm, and he nods in satisfaction, settling down gracefully in a crosslegged position, nearly across the platter from Lien.
Lien looks down to the food as it appears; breaks into a small smile. He half-bows his head to Darkstalker in thanks, folding his hands on his lap quietly as he waits just a moment to see what's expected as far as serving arrangements go.
Leia smiles..and reaches for the pitcher."Here I'll server, since I knwo you both."
Darkstalker smiles, nodding his head to Leia, eyes glittering. He moves his hand toward the platter in an odd gesture, and three wooden plates appear beside it, along with three sets of two-tined wooden forks, and thin stone knives.
Leia slowly pours the wine wine int the three stone goblets, doing her best not to spill a drop. She offers the first goblet to Darkstalker.
Lien returns the smile with one of his own as he takes up the loaf of bread with one hand, producing a thin dagger in the other which he uses to slice the food up neatly and arrange a few slices in front of each person before replacing the remainder down on the platter just as the servingware appears.
Darkstalker accepts the offer of the goblet easily, and nods to Leia in thanks.
Leia hands the next goblet to Lien after he finishes cutting the bread and takes the final one for herself. She smiles.
Lien nods his head again, generally, as he suspends the vessel lightly between finger and thumb. He inhales a short breath and pauses there, again waiting with a pleasant expression on his face.
Darkstalker takes up the goblet and sips lightly from it. He lowers it, and smiles, pleased. "It is no sha'dun," he says, "but it is the Tenebrae's answer to such. Blackwine, it is called, simply enough."
Leia takes a deep sip of the wine after taking a large bite of the bread.
You paged Leia and Lien with 'The blackwine is very sweet, almost too sweet, but thick. It may leave a slight bitter aftertaste, prompting one to drink more of it. :) Very intoxicating. You probably don't want to know, at this point, what it's made from.'.
Lien takes a skimming taste off of the top of the blackwine, then a larger sip which he swallows quickly to take up a piece of bread, biting off the end.
Leia quickly drains her goblet of the wine.
Darkstalker takes another sip of the wine, slowly, then lowers it to pick up a piece of bread. Tearing a bit off, he pops it into his mouth, and chews reflectively, looking outside the clearing to the storm raging there.
Darkstalker smiles at Leia. "You like the blackwine... you must truly be Tenebrae, then." he says in a joking tone. "There is much more, if you wish."
Leia smiles, and finishes off her bread."Ahh this was wonderful, Darkstalker."
Leia says "Thanks you."
Lien smiles again as he gets down the mouthful of bread, asking, "Well, Darkstalker... I've heard you were a frequent visitor to Arcadia once?"
Leia shakes her head towards Darkstalker."Maybe later. If I drink too much of the stuff, I'll end up getting drunk."
Lien smirks slightly, restraining a chuckle as he takes another sip of his own drink.
Darkstalker chuckles at Leia, nods, and turns to Lien. "I was, yes. At one time, there was no path that one could walk to Crinos, from any other shadow-realm. When first we found ourselves outside of Crinos, it was Arcadia that we first set foot in."
Leia listens carefully, her eyes intent on Darkstalker.
Darkstalker says "I hunted in the forests of Arcadia for some time, and had many friends among the fae."
Lien smiles and takes another sip of the blackwine, swirling it almost unconsciously in the glass. "Had you ever met the one named Kendall?"
Darkstalker takes a drink of his wine, and nods. "Yes. He lived in the city. When last I saw him, he was ill."
Lien sighs at that, and nods his head slowly. "Yes, he is." He finishes off the wine, placing down his goblet to take another small chunk of bread.
Leia grabs another piece of bread, breaking into pieces. She looks to Lien."Still?"
Darkstalker cocks his head curiously. "He is still ill from his wounds? This was some time ago."
Lien shakes his heads slowly, raising the bread to his mouth. After chewing for a moment, "New ones. Much worse."
Darkstalker frowns a bit. "Will he live?"
Leia frowns deepily.
Lien nods, sighing. "It's not a matter of life or death, really... more whether his mind will mend. His physical injuries are long healed."
Darkstalker considers for a moment. "Does he even now seek healing for this malady?"
Leia sits there, silent.
Lien shakes his head to indicate the negative, staring down at the piece of bread in his fingers. "He has been healed as much as possible... now it's just a matter of recuperation."
Lien says "He can walk about now, though, so he is getting better."
Darkstalker nods. "That is a good sign, it would seem. Well," he says, raising the goblet, "if it is Luna's will he recover, he will. But should he need a healer again, know that my Bre'hun does well with the mending of minds."
Leia smiles a bit."I saw him the other day with Nightmoon, he seemed to be better."
Darkstalker smiles at that, and drinks.
Lien doesn't react much to either statements, just watching the bread as he turns it in his hands, studying it. With an air of finality, he puts it into his mouth and chews quietly.
Leia says "Ummm"
Leia smiles and looks to Darkstalker."Moonclaw is who you meant by your Bredun...right?"
Darkstalker grins at Leia. "Bre'hun -- brother of the hunt. Yes, it is Moonclaw."
Leia nods."Bre'hun." She pronounces it slowly."Okay, last time he nad I talked wasn't that nice, and I took somethings the wrong way. Coudl you give him my apologies?"
Lien grins covertly behind a piece of bread, taking up one of the pieces of meat to gnaw on that quietly.
Darkstalker nods slowly, considering Leia for a moment. "Of course. I might ask what it was that disturbed you."
Leia says "Ummm well he didn't tell you when he told you about me?"
Darkstalker answers, "Perhaps not. He did say that you seemed disturbed, but I thought that was perhaps the sudden knowledge of your tribe."
Leia says "No, I was pissed cause he looked into my mind wihtout asking."
Lien's brow quirks silently as he chews on the meat, watching with some amount of interest.
Darkstalker nods in sudden understanding. "Ahhh.. I see. I shall tell him, then, that you are no longer so disturbed by this."
Leia says "See, Souldancer was pretty sure I was Tenebra cause of my forms. and that's why I just assumed I was Tenebrae. Rainfire told me later that there had been others who had panther forms and aren't Tenebrae."
Leia says "Well..."
Leia says "I can see his reasonings."
Leia says "I still wish he had asked."
Darkstalker nods. "Rainfire spoke truth -- there are many outlanders who take upon our khiulnter, and are not Tenebrae."
Leia smiles over at Lien and then nods to Darkstalker."True, but he could tell I was from Crinos.."
Darkstalker smiles to Leia. "You can do this as well, Leia. Have you tried to do so?"
Lien swallows his food, pulling his knees up against his chest and laying his chin on top of them as he silently observes, his only expression a faint smile.
Leia nods.'Yes, Souldancer showed me how. Rainfire also told me that some who are Luna's children can also take the klun-" She stumbles over the words again."Kliulunter form too."
Leia says "But are not Tenebrae."
Darkstalker nods, "This is truth -- and causes some confusion, at times. One can tell, if one is able to merge with another's mind to see if they were truly born a child of Luna. But," he continues, "those of Luna's children who are also of other outlander tribes -- they are to be known as Luna's true children, as well, for they or their tribemates have earned this, and Luna herself granted it."
Leia takes another bite of bread and chews slowly, nodding.
Lien glances at Leia curiously, still not offering comment.
Leia says "Well, I'm not so pissed off now, so if I could make apologies?"
Darkstalker takes up a knife and spears a piece of meat, dripping juices. He chuckles, and nods. "I know that they will be accepted." he says, and pops the meat into his mouth.
Leia grins."Cool."
Lien grins and rubs his shoulder quietly with his hand, watching Leia amusedly.
Leia looks over at Lien, quirking an eyebrow at him.
Lien smiles cooly back at Leia, removing his hand from his shoulder. "Nothing." He turns his smile to Darkstalker, curious as he motions to the storm outside the cleared area. "How is that weather kept back, Darkstalker? It looks very... unsual."
Darkstalker smiles in return. "Ah, it is the h'gaya's strength that keeps the strong winds and rain at bay, and the Tenebrae's magic."
Leia looks over at the storm and arches an eyebrow."I wonder too."
Lien quirks both eyebrows slightly up on his brow. Curiously, "H'gaia?"
Leia lies back on the grass, propping herself up on her elbows.
Darkstalker nods. "H'gaya. Certain spirits of the jungle, which the Tenebrae have a long assiciation with."
Lien smiles at that, and nods his head. "Ah... convenient."
Leia says "Ohh like that Grundle?"
Leia shakes her head."Didn't like him. He was rude."
Darkstalker chuckles, lifting his goblet. "The Grundle is another spirit, similar, but not h'gaya. The h'gaya generally do not manifest themselves as the Grundle."
Leia frowns, looking lost.
Lien looks over at Leia, then Darkstalker, then sort of between them. His expression is confused as he inquires, "Which is the Grundle?"
Darkstalker says "the Grundle is a spirit, which I call to serve me to perform certain tasks. One of which was to seek out Leia."
Leia says "He was kinda rude, in my opinion."
Darkstalker takes a sip of wine, then chuckles, nodding. "The Grundle has no sense of propriety, unfortunately. I apologize if he caused you consternation."
Lien grins slightly, leaning back on his elbows next to Leia. "Your opinion seems to encompass about half of the people you know."
Leia grins."Well I think I'm rude too. Sometimes."
Leia smiles over at Lien, her eyes bright.
Lien grins and looks towards the edge of the clearing. He mutters to himself, "... of..." 
Darkstalker sips his wine, looking over the edge of the goblet to Lien.
Leia nudges Lien with her toe."Remember Thumper's mother."
Lien blinks, then laughs. "Right, right." Scratching his temple amusedly with a slender fingertip, "Sorry, then."
Leia grins. She leans over to kiss Lien quickly on the cheek.
Darkstalker chuckles quietly to himself and sips from the goblet.
Lien removes a small metal spar from his pocket, flipping it around in his hands idly. "So, might I be imposing by asking a bit about the Tenebrae, or no? The subject isn't very easy to get information on."
Leia smiles over at Darkstalker."Is StormDreamer around? I'd like her to met Lien as well."
Darkstalker starts to reply to Lien, then pauses to listen to Leia's question. He cocks his head as if listening for a long moment.
Darkstalker shakes his head to Leia. "She does not answer the call," he says to her. "She may not even be in Crinos."
Leia says "Ah."
Darkstalker turns back to Lien, eyes resting on the metal spar. "What would you wish to know, Lien?"
The plain, flat black object weaves through Lien's fingers in a practiced series of motions, moving almost completely without his attention. "I don't know... I don't know the first thing about them. I don't know what Leia knows either..." He grins slightly. "It's just a big blank to me. Other than the fact that there are three of you, I don't know much at all."
Leia says "Umm I don't know much at all.. either. Just bits and pieces."
Darkstalker nods. "We have not often chosen to explain ourselves to other tribes -- rarely have we felt the need. What do you know of the other tribes of Crinos?"
Lien says "I am familiar with the leader of the Kei, and some of the Venator. One of the Ursum, as well. No more."
Darkstalker nods to Lien. "Know you of the tribes themselves?"
Lien says "A little... I realize some of the concept of Luna, and know how each tribe fits into the order of things on Crinos... not much more than that."
Leia listens, not saying much, but concentrating on the words you both say.
Darkstalker considers. "Darkstalker says you know not the first thing about the Tenebrae. I say that the first thing about the Tenebrae is Teneb, Father of us all. I shall speak of Teneb some, then, and of Luna."
Lien nods and settles down to listen, smiling.
Darkstalker lowers his goblet and sets it aside. "Long before the first Verdimm walked on Crinos, in the time of the undying Light, Luna was alone. You see," he explains, "I have been among the other shadows, and many of their Sha'cri tell of a similar time, when there was no light at all, and all was dark. It was not so in Crinos -- everything began as light. The dark came later."
Leia grins at this, and nods.
Lien nods slowly, the spar dancing in his hands swiftly as he continues to listen with an open ear.
Darkstalker smiles. "In that time, Luna walked alone. There was even no Crinos, save within Her thoughts. And then, her thoughts became solid, and Crinos came to be. She shaped the world with her breath and her thoughts, never laying Her hands upon it. She shaped the mountains, the seas, and plains, and all in between. As She did shape, Her thoughts took on new forms, and so were the living things brought into Crinos -- from the trees to the beasts, even to the lowliest worm in the dirt."
Leia smiles once more, concentrating on Darkstalker's words.
Lien scoots a few inches closer to Leia, staying quiet.
Darkstalker says "Now, Luna had companions, at this time. They came from the place where Luna came to be, which is not Crinos. None of them were as strong as She, and this was as it was meant to be. She spoke not a word to Her companions while she shaped Crinos, but a time came when She thought Herself done. She looked up from the world, and gathered around Her, admiring what she had wrought, were those companions."
Leia listens, nodding slowly.
Darkstalker says "Among those gathered," he grins, ""were two you may have heard of. Teneb, and Tan'kia, who would shape the ways of the Venator."
Lien shakes his head to the slight negative, still listening.
Leia says "Well, Teneb, but not the other one."
Darkstalker nods to Leia, and chuckles. "You must ask Moonclaw about Tan'kia some day."
Darkstalker says "But another time." he smiles, and continues. "When Luna took notice of Her companions, She spoke to them, and urged them to look upon what she had shaped. This they did, and truly were they impressed. Luna then invited them, asking each if they wished to give the world, which she named Crinos, a touch from their hands. Many of them, but not all, chose to give to Crinos a shaping of their own."
Leia slides her hand over to Lien's as she listens to Darkstalker.
Lien nods quietly again as the spar slows, resting in his palm.
Darkstalker shrugs. "The tales of the others might interest you at some other time," he says, "but what Teneb gave to Crinos was a thing that Luna had not; darkness. The gentle and sustaining veil of night He gave to Crinos. Luna was impressed by His gift, and soon, Teneb became Her mate."
Darkstalker says "And so the first Tenebrae, the children of Teneb and Luna, came to be."
Lien smiles at that, and nods, urging Darkstalker to continue silently.
Darkstalker pauses for a moment to take a long drink of wine, then to fill his goblet from the pitcher.
Darkstalker takes another drink from the goblet, then sets it down again. "Teneb was not a Father to hold the hands of his children at all times, and He had many hunts of his own; and Luna had many, many children by this time. The Tenebrae have never been great in number, and even then, it was so. We chose to live near to each other, but alone, to respect the arrangement of Luna and Teneb: Only rarely did they come together to mate. And we dwelled in the comfort of the dark, silent, for Crinos had not the sounds for our speech then."
Lien takes advantage of the lull to move himself up against Leia's side, watching Darkstalker curiously.
Leia idly strokes Lien's arm as she listen's to Darkstalker, intent on his words.
Darkstalker says "In time, the first Tenebrae chose to mate; and the children of the children of Teneb were born. But fewer than the first -- many among the first had died, taken by surprise in the Light when we were weak. And some of the first refused to mate."
Leia says "Refused?"
Leia arches an eyebrow."Why did they refuse?"
Darkstalker shrugs. "The children of the Tenebrae did, in time, mate as well; and it is said that Teneb came out of His dark Tree to mate with some among these children. Some of the children too, chose to mate with the beasts; and a few chose to mate with other tribes, for there were other tribes even in those times... but rarely did any children result from this."
Darkstalker pauses, and looks at Leia. "They refused because they knew not what it meant to give life -- and were afraid to learn."
Leia says "Oh. Okay."
Leia frowns just slightly.
Darkstalker continues to look at Leia. "Those who refused to mate died the true death when their bodies rotted. They gave nothing of their essence to the tribe's life, and so would not live on through the tribe. Those are the ones whose spirits we cannot reach, should we try."
Lien swallows quietly and gives a small cough as he rubs his throat, looking down at his feet.
Leia arches a slim eyebrow up at Darkstalker, but says nothing.
Darkstalker says "The Tenebrae, while always few, have always been strong; yet we know that for the tribe to be strong, all must give something of our own strength to the tribe; a part of our living breath. Else the Tenebrae will not survive."
Darkstalker frowns then, and looks down at his goblet. "This means little... in these times."
Leia sits up and looks at Darkstalker."There are ways, it's not impossible."
Darkstalker looks up slowly, and smiles gently at Leia, then Lien. "No, I do not despair; it is not impossible, as Darkstalker says. It will not be easy for any Tenebrae, I would think."
Lien frowns thoughtfully, the expression wrought with a mixture of worry and sympathy as he slips the spar away into his pocket again.
Leia smiles."Sides, I just happened along, there might be more."
Darkstalker considers that. "Perhaps," he says quietly, "but not enough, in any case."
Lien asks gently, "Why are there so few now?"
Darkstalker draws in a breath, and lets it out slowly. "We have been slain," he replies quietly. "by the Serpens."
Lien blinks, then frowns thoughtfully again. Very softly he states, "I've heard the term before."
Darkstalker nods stiffly. "I doubt it not. No Verdimm will speak the name of a Serpens kindly, and there is reason. The Serpens exist only to destroy and warp life, and this they do well."
Leia frowns deepily.
Lien nods slowly, expression making it clear that he's more than willing to let the subject drop.
Darkstalker points to the pedestal, and looks at Leia. "You saw, there, what the Serpens did to your people."
Leia sighs, and looks briefly over at the stone pedestal. Her eyes well up with tears.
Leia nods slowly at DarkStalker.
Leia takes her free hand and rubs her eyes."Yah, I know."
Darkstalker's eyes are cold as he speaks. "The Verdimm call this season the one thousand, two hundred sixtieth season after Flectivi-Kill. Know you what Flectivi was? A Serpen. The last to be seen, before the one which took away your people from you."
Darkstalker states quietly, "Flectivi was slain by the Tenebrae. And now... the Serpens have their revenge."
Leia says "When....when did they come back?"
Leia bites her lips hard.
Darkstalker sighs, dropping his eyes. "Perhaps forty seasons ago. And only one came to us, Leia. Only one."
Leia says "Just one Serpen destroyed the whole tribe?"
Leia winces.
Darkstalker nods, and sighs again. "Yes." he says, as if the word gives him pain. "The Tenebrae... had by then grown even fewer in number, and more... reclusive. We would not.... admit to the weakness of asking for help. Either from other tribes.. or our own tribe."
Darkstalker says "The Serpen killed us one by one, because we could not come together to fight him."
Leia says "if...No...when we rebuild this tribe, we'll have to learn from that mistake."
Lien gnaws on his lower lip gently, remaining silent.
Leia says "We'll have to be stronger and stick together."
Darkstalker looks at Leia with glittering eyes, and slowly nods. "That was our mistake," he says softly. "We were not truly the tribe, then... we were each of us our own tribe, and alone."
Leia nods slowly."Exactly."
Leia sighs softly."This is going to take..alot of work. And time."
Darkstalker nods again. "I have spent much of both," he says, smiling a bit, "already, preparing."
Leia arches an eyebrow."Oh? Preparing what?"
Darkstalker smiles, then. "Preparing for you," he replies. "And for Stormdreamer."
Darkstalker says "And perhaps, for others."
Leia says "Others?"
Leia pulls her knees up tp her chin.
Darkstalker nods, "perhaps." he says, and sips his wine slowly.
Leia says "That would be cool."
Leia grins again.
Lien sighs gently, scratching his temple and looking vaguely uncomfortable.
Darkstalker remarks, "Teneb promised me that the Tenebrae would live on. While His words are not always easy to understand, lie he does not."

Leia says "Umm Darkstalker, can I ask am um...personal question?"
Darkstalker cocks his head curiously. "Yes."
Leia says "Ummm"
Leia sortof half-flushes and then looks at Darkstalker.
Darkstalker watches Leia curiously, saying nothing.
You sense Leia mindspeaks ~Do you have a mate? Is StormDreamer your mate?~
Lien turns his head to watch Leia anxiously, then breaks out in a small grin.
Darkstalker smiles, then, and lets out a short laugh. "Oh, that is not a question I would shrink from answering, Leia. Shall I answer aloud?"
Leia looks over at Lien and smacks his leg."pest."
Leia says "Umm sure Darkstalker."
Lien grins and rubs his leg gently, apparently satisfied.
Darkstalker chuckles, and shakes his head. "Stormdreamer and I have not mated, no. Despite what I feel is best for the tribe, I would not force unwanted attentions on anyone. But I feel that, from your question, you have little understanding of the ways of the Tenebrae... of our ways of mating."
Lien quirks an eyebrow, suddenly interested.
Leia says "Ummmmm"
Leia says "well, No."
Leia says "I don't actually."
Darkstalker grins. "Among many outlanders, it is a subject which causes embarrasment and oftentimes shame, and I have often wondered at this. But I know that you, leia, and you, Lien, are not familiar with our ways, and I have no wish to cause you to be uncomfortable."
Leia tries not to blush."Umm well I can be a grown-up for a while. I think I can discuss it like an adult. And if I get a little embarrassed I'll get over it."
Darkstalker chuckles, and nods. "It is not a thing to be ashamed of, Leia; are we ashamed of the fact that we eat, and breath, or that we sometimes wish to create art?" he shakes his head. "But I shall say this. Among the Tenebrae, it has been that few, if any at all, will become mates for life. And even then, should the tribe have need, those life-mates will give some of their essence to the tribe, providing children to us -- with other mates. What is the word... ahhh, yes. Fidelity. That has never been an issue with us, for the simple reason that it often goes against the well-being of the tribe entire."
Darkstalker says "A Tenebrae will mate when it is her season, and that season will be different for each Tenebrae. The woman will generally choose her own mate, though a man has of course the right to refuse."
Darkstalker says "Often, it is the burden of the Sha'cri to refuse many, to allow for others to become the sire of a number of children."
Lien looks over to the edge of the clearing, face thoughtful.
Leia nods."Darkstalker, I was brought up in the ways of the Outlanders. I'm going to have to get used to this. And I've...made some promises I have to keep as well."
Darkstalker nods seriously, and looks from Leia to Lien. "If you would speak openly of these promises, I would do what I can to find a way to serve the tribe, and yourself, equally."
Leia looks to Lien, shruging slightly.
Lien shrugs back to Leia, confusedly.
Darkstalker nods to Leia, and says aloud, "I am sure that you realize that the tribe would be that much more weakened were you not to mate with any other Tenebrae. It would be, to the tribe, as if you had died without giving part of your essence to live on as Tenebrae."
Leia looks down at her fingers.
Leia says "I know."
Lien sighs and fiddles with his spar again, twirling it in his free hand.
Leia says "But I'm more than just my genetic material."
Darkstalker nods. "Believe me, I recognize that."
Darkstalker says "But I am Sha'Cri. I must also care for my tribe."
Leia says "Darkstalker, even 4 people can't make a tribe on their own."
Darkstalker nods, and says wearily, "I know this. But even one less than that will make it so much more difficult for those who remain."
Leia looks at Lien again.
Lien twirls his spar silently between two fingers, watching it as it traces a blurred circle in the air.
Leia sighs loudily..and puts her arm around Lien and hugs him hard.
The spar suddenly stops, snapping to a halt between Lien's fingers as he smile gently to Leia.
Leia nods once and looks at Darkstalker."I need some time, to adjust and think about thins. Hell I'm only 18, making decisions that will affect countless generations is not my forte."
Darkstalker nods. "Of course." he says, rising. "I mean not to thrust this burden upon you so swiftly."
Darkstalker smiles gently. "There is time," he says, as he moves to a tree.
Leia says "I didn't mean that either. I just need to think and talk. Rushing into this isn't a good idea."
Leia smiles at Darkstalker..and nods.
You easily ascend the trunk of the tree into its branches.